Monday, September 29, 2008

Mark's 10th B-Day

For Mark's 10 B-day we went to laser skirmish. The kids had a great time.
The boys had pizza for lunch

Mark "the natural born killer" MacLellan

When they were done we played tag or tip as its known down under. All my rugby training paid off.

Heading to Cairns

This was on the way to Cairns.

On the snokling trip

Carol saw this in her travels.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Our Trip to Cairns

Carol and I went to Cairns leaving the kids at a friends house. We went for 5 days. Thats the longest Carol's been away from the kids. The main reason for going was my golden oldies rugby team entered a masters rugby tournament. It was pretty full on. They take their rugby pretty serious in Cairns. One of things we did was mud crabbing then fishing with a hand line. Trouchy (below) our maskot didn't catch a thing....and neither did I.
One of things Carol and I did was break away from the group and went snorkling. I had a great time. Carol had an ok time. She didn't like the 1.5 hour bout ride to the reef. I think she might have ate a bad prawn the night before. She's sure it had nothing to do with being the last to leave the pub the night before.

I will tell you about the Irish pub we went to. They had a couple of Irish guys singing some triditional tunes. We were sitting in a different part of the pub and we were not paying too much attention to them. I went to the counter for a drink and they were half way through Farewell to Nova Scotia. I thought it was brilliant. After giving them a hand with the song I got Carol and we chatted with the guys. Next thing you know they are belting out some Stan Rogers. Later in the evening they sang Farewell to Nova Scotia again(with my help) Poor Carol started to cry (and laugh at the same time). It was a great night.

This was on the river on our fishing trip.

A warm up before a game.

The Camden Rams on the score board.

Me in the bottom right. The only bright one in the crowd.

We needed to bring some beer for the fishing trip. We put a pretty good dent into the booze supply.

This is the nicest boat we saw.

Over all it was a great trip. 5 days to play 1 day of rugby. Both CArol and I had a blast.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September 7th

Ryan turned 16 on September 7th. After a hard day's work at the Sydney Markets on the 6th, Ryan attended two parties for his friends so he didn't have one :( September 7th was also Father's Day here. Mark bought Roy a wine bottle opener from the School's Father's Day stall (which is a complete donate a present and then send money for you kid to buy something). Now that Ryan is raking in the money he bought Dad a nice apron with a beer bottle opener attached. Seeing a trend??
The grass is growing in weird patches. I'm not sure if it had anything with Roy fertilizing it last Fall.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jack Sparrow's Son

Mark's school had a Book Parade where they had to dress up as a character from a book. Since he was reading "Pirates of Carribean" he went as Jack Sparrow. They don't have Halloween here but the Aussies sure do like to dress up (Fancy Dress) for any occasion.