Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Our New Home

Well, we broke down and bought a house. I should say Carol bought a house. She looked at it, put an offer in, added conditions to the sale, picked the possesion date, got a lawer, inspector, and got the financing straight all before I even drove by the place. I think she made a good choice. I guess you can look at the photos and deciede for yourself. I must admit, I am glad she got the inspector. The shingles were shot and they will be putting new ones on before we move in. The possesion date in Sept. 11.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Tornado Warning

This is a photo taken just north of Red Deer. They were broadcasting to take cover as three funnel clouds were spotted. They passed quickly and didn't develop into anything more serious.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ryans School Photos

Just thought I'd post Ryans team photos. Life in the MacLellan household is dull. Between work, X-box and being the kids taxi service keeps us fairly busy. Mark is on day 3 of summer vacation and he's BORED. Carol already can't wait for the start of the school year. We are looking for a house to buy. We saw a few we liked. We are taking donations for a down payment. So if anybody have some $$$ laying around feel free to send it along. I hope everybody had a great Canada Day. I hope our relitives south of the border showed the Yankies how much better July 1st is over July 4th.