Saturday, November 7, 2009

Woody's Pee Wee Team

Mark is back to playing hockey. This is his first year in Pee Wee (that means checking is allowed now). They've won their first two games but lost an exhibition game last night. There is only one out of town team that they play in their league. So that is not too bad for travelling.

Happy Birthday to Me

Ryan made me breakfast for my birthday. I spent the morning at the Dr's with Mark and his ear infection. In the afternoon, Roy put up Christmas lights. I don't know what to do now for the rest of the month because that's usually the amount of time required nagging him to put them up.

Roy gave me flowers and a cake with a carrot for each year. I'll save you the time counting, there are 30 carrots. He also made some delicious ribs. Mark sang a beautiful made up song and did a little dance...very entertaining. Must have been the medication he was on.


Ryan went to a party dressed as an unemployed rig hand. Mark was a skeleton, apparently with a broken neck. The mask on the right hand side was something Roy picked out while we were in Vanuatu.


We went to Mike and Tannis's for dinner. We almost didn't make it because of Roy's terrible directions but that's another story not suitable for blogging.
Mark and Clara

Not sure who is happier in this photo...Sean or Statira.

Happy Birthday Mark!

Roy buttered Mark's nose. He asked for hotwings and Frozen Oreo Cake for his supper. He bought a game for his Xbox with some of his b-day money and is saving the rest...but don't tell him because I think he's forgotten about it.