We went to the Gold Coast for the weekend. Over all it was a pretty good weekend. Went to 2 theme parks. Whitewater World and Dreamworld. We also went to the Casino were I won $50....WOOHOO. Now this is where the story goes down hill. On the way home I hit a dog going 110 kms/hour. Poor dog didn't have a chance. Had to call a cab to pick up Carol and kids and I had to wait for a tow truck. The damage to my car is $2300. So my feelings are hurt in more than I way. We have to rent a car for the next couple of weeks as well. I will post more pics after my 1st aid course.

Mark and Ryan getting wet with the big bucket at Whitewater World

The Claw ride(above) It was pretty fun. Even got Carol on it. The Flow Rider(below) was also a lot of fun. It is a boogie board ride. If you wipe out the water pressure shoots you back to the top in a hurry.

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