Saturday, September 22, 2007


I quite often have to go for long drives for work. As you can imagine nothing is really close. I always try to remember my camera as you will never know what you'll run into. I saw this little guy below on the side of the road. I had to stop and make him/her famous.
He decided to lay low and hide from me under this bush. He is a lot easier to see in the photo then he was in real life.
I almost run this little guy over. Just out of the photo is my tire track. This little fellow was quick. When I put the camera down he was gone. I was going to go look for him but the Aussies told me there is a certain kind of lizard that when scared it will climb the tallest thing to hide. If you are the tallest thing it will climb up you. I don't know if it is true but I wasn't taking that chance.

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