Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Tiny Little Hands
Mark's Grade 5 class sang Tiny Little Hands and Silent Night. We couldn't see him for the second song, he was behind a tall girl. I have to say it was well organized, it started on time and was just under an hour.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Disney In Tokyo
Close up they are all photos of people smiling. It was pretty cool.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Comments on Japan
Trip To Mt Fuji
Which way is Toyko????
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Eating in Japan
I wish I was better at planning what photo goes where to tell the story. Anyways, This is what Carol ordered. It was called fried noodle sauce. The presentation was better but we already dug in before I remembered to take the photo.
This was the view from the window. We ate in a small upstairs room. Just big enough for 4 tables. Look how narrowthe restaurant is.
So we got the menu. I couldn't deciede what to eat. It all looked so good.
Well, after much confussion they brought up menus with photos. There was a lot to chose from. Horse meat anyone????
Us in the upstairs. There was a very friendy couple beside us that took our photo.
This is what I picked from the menu. When I asked what kind of meat it was I was told chicken and pork. My next should have been what part of the pig and chicken did it come from. On the plate there is chicken skin and stomach with some chicken balls. Pork meat, pork liver and mystery meat. There was also some green peppers but they got eaten. Again I took the photo after we dug in.
The resteraunt was great. The beer is really good. You are allowed to smoke in the restaurants but you cannot smoke in the streets. Also, as we were leaving and the female servers were hitting on Ryan and Mark. OOOHHHH your soooo big is what they said to Ryan. OOOOHHHH your soooo handsome. You could be movie star is what they said to Mark. It was very funny.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Japan Stopover
The view from our room
Give love a chance.....man......Peace out
A couple of pics of our walk downtown. I'll post some more later.