Sunday, February 24, 2008

Carol said that since she is on vacation she will not be cutting my hair. I deceided if I bought clippers that somebody would cut my hair. It was not hard to find help.

After the fine job Mark did Carol did break down and finish the job off.

Mark watering the lawn. He did a better job on the lawn then he did on my hair.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The house we are renting

Notice the remote is still in my hand. Im not sure why we even need one. We only get 5 channels.

The Boys

This was taken on the cruise ship. All of our photos that we bought on the cruise accidently got thrown out. Carol called the cruise liner and e mailed them photos of us. Somebody had to go through all of the ships photos to find some of us. They did that at no extra cost.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Home Life In Sydney

I had to post a picture of Roy mowing the lawn. The last time he operated a lawn mower Mark was still in diapers and he only managed to mow half of the front lawn. Fortunately our whole lawn now is about the size of half of our front lawn in Swan did an excellent job Roy. Keep up the good work! The brown patchy spots are on an empty lot next to us.
The boys finally made it to school.....YAY! Their uniform policy is much stricter here than in Coolum. Mark riding his bike. I like the house behind him...very nice.
Ryan about to go for a joy ride!
For our first Valentine's Day together in years we went on a hot air balloon ride....ok, not really. This pic was taken from our front yard though and we actually spent the 14th at Rugby romantic.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

New South Wales......The Red Tape State.

Last year in Queensland we went to a couple of schools and they all were very interested in taking our kids. We picked the school and all it cost us was the regular school fees. It was not like that here. We found some good public schools and took them there to register. They gave us a form to fill out and told us since they are classed as international students it will only cost us $10,220 to enrol. Plus school fees. We needed a drink after that kind of news. We then decided that if we were going to spend that kind of money we would send them to a private school. Now the problem there is the private schools do not know the rules for having kids with a 457 visa. I did some research and found that at private schools all we have to pay is the private school fees. All the private schools do not want to spend the time it takes to find out if I am right or not. After a lot of searching there is a school that may take us after all this headache. Its the Mount Annan Christian Collage. The school is a year 1-12 school and is about a 15 min drive from the house. Cross your fingers. I know I have mine crossed. Carol has hers as well. The next step is home school.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

We Made it to Sydney

OK......I know it has been a long time since I last posted something. I just want you to know that my computer is not working. Some how the operating system decieded to leave my laptop. We just got internet at the house a couple of days ago. Anyways, I think we will settle in better when our furniture gets here tomorrow. We did manage to do a few road trips on my weekends off. Just below is Kangaroo Valley. It is about an hour from our house.
This is Fitzroy falls

This is a river running through the valley. There are canoe rentals there. I think we'll look into that and go on a tour of the river. I saw a big lake handy here as well.

This is a park in Sydney.I am not sure what Carol is looking for.

Our empty house. My boss was nice enough to lend us a T.V. The Sony is getting a real work out.

I am not impressed here. I had a hard day trying to enrol the kids in school. They are still not in school yet. We are hoping they will get accepted after the interview with the principal.

We did buy a fridge.

Another trip we did was to Bulli Beach. It is about 35 mins from here. The water was COLD. It was around 20 degrees.....BRRRRRR
This is the town going down to the beach. I forgot the name.

This is the park by the Opera house. It was another day trip. I showed Carol how to get to the city on the train. It is about a 65 min train ride.

This was in the park. We are not sure what it means.

Ryan chillin out