Sunday, February 17, 2008

Home Life In Sydney

I had to post a picture of Roy mowing the lawn. The last time he operated a lawn mower Mark was still in diapers and he only managed to mow half of the front lawn. Fortunately our whole lawn now is about the size of half of our front lawn in Swan did an excellent job Roy. Keep up the good work! The brown patchy spots are on an empty lot next to us.
The boys finally made it to school.....YAY! Their uniform policy is much stricter here than in Coolum. Mark riding his bike. I like the house behind him...very nice.
Ryan about to go for a joy ride!
For our first Valentine's Day together in years we went on a hot air balloon ride....ok, not really. This pic was taken from our front yard though and we actually spent the 14th at Rugby romantic.

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