Tuesday, February 5, 2008

We Made it to Sydney

OK......I know it has been a long time since I last posted something. I just want you to know that my computer is not working. Some how the operating system decieded to leave my laptop. We just got internet at the house a couple of days ago. Anyways, I think we will settle in better when our furniture gets here tomorrow. We did manage to do a few road trips on my weekends off. Just below is Kangaroo Valley. It is about an hour from our house.
This is Fitzroy falls

This is a river running through the valley. There are canoe rentals there. I think we'll look into that and go on a tour of the river. I saw a big lake handy here as well.

This is a park in Sydney.I am not sure what Carol is looking for.

Our empty house. My boss was nice enough to lend us a T.V. The Sony is getting a real work out.

I am not impressed here. I had a hard day trying to enrol the kids in school. They are still not in school yet. We are hoping they will get accepted after the interview with the principal.

We did buy a fridge.

Another trip we did was to Bulli Beach. It is about 35 mins from here. The water was COLD. It was around 20 degrees.....BRRRRRR
This is the town going down to the beach. I forgot the name.

This is the park by the Opera house. It was another day trip. I showed Carol how to get to the city on the train. It is about a 65 min train ride.

This was in the park. We are not sure what it means.

Ryan chillin out

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